Coalition of Celebrant Associations

Australia’s Peak Celebrant Body

Forced Marriage Requires Marriage Act Review

Topic: Child and Forced Marriage prompts the need to update the Marriage Act for legal consistency in wedding ceremonies

At the last meeting on the 28th April 2015, there was a presentation from the Director of the Firearms and Crimes Against the Person Section on the updates from the Department in relation to forced marriage including an information pack for distribution to all celebrants.

CoCA congratulates the Department for the steps taken to increase the penalties for arranged, servile and sham marriages from four years to seven years and for continuing to highlight issues in this area.  

To strengthen this initiative, the Marriage Act needs to be changed for greater consistency in order for the general public to be able to recognise a legal marriage, whether the ceremony is conducted by religious or civil celebrants.

MPs and Senators can support changes so that
  1. Every marriage ceremony includes consent by the parties to the marriage in front of an authorised celebrant, whether the celebrant is religious or civil;

  2. Every marriage celebrant makes clear to the parties to the marriage, witnesses and all the guests that a marriage according to Marriage law is being conducted and that they are the celebrant authorised by law to witness and register the marriage;

  3. Every marriage ceremony includes a definition of marriage according to Australian law and;

  4. Education on marriage in Australia is improved by the coordinating efforts of all the relevant government departments and community agencies directly involved in delivering marriage services.
More about: May 2015 
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