Coalition of Celebrant Associations

Australia’s Peak Celebrant Body

Marriage Celebrants Program Regulator Performance Framework

Marriage Celebrants Program Regulator Performance Framework‌ - 2015.

DOWNLOAD: Marriage-Celebrants-Program-Regulator-Performance-Framework.pdf



Measures of Good Regulatory Performance

Performance Measures

1. Regulators do not unnecessarily impede the efficient operation of regulated entities

  1. Regular consultations with marriage celebrants, births deaths and marriage registries and training providers to ensure that the impacts of policies and legislative change are minimised.

  2. Regular environmental scanning and the development of communications and training material to address emerging issues.

  3. Consultation with regulated entities on proposed significant / regulatory changes.

  1. Key stakeholder engagement activities.

  2. New materials developed and updates on existing materials.

3. Training material developed in response to marriage celebrant issues.

2. Communication with regulated entities is clear, targeted and effective

  1. Provision of communications materials and maintenance of an up-to-date website ensuring that celebrants have ready access to current information to assist them to properly carry out their role.

  2. Provision of access to a hotline and email service which provides celebrants with clarification and guidance on their role and responsibilities.

3. Consultation with regulated entities on proposed significant / regulatory changes.

  1. New materials developed and updates on existing materials.

  2. Numbers and types of enquiries dealt with.

  3. Key stakeholder engagement activities.

3. Actions undertaken by regulators are proportionate to the regulatory risk being managed

  1. Compliance activities that are targeted and use a mix of self-reporting and information available on the database to identify areas of actual and potential non-compliance.

  2. Processing of complaints in accordance with natural justice principles and application of a proportionate response when considering appropriate action.

  1. Disciplinary measures imposed.

  2. Numbers of complaints and outcomes.

  3. Outcomes of celebrant self-reporting.

4. Compliance and monitoring approaches are streamlined and coordinated

  1. Continuous review of IT systems to improve ease of compliance with requirements.

  2. Provision to celebrants of an online portal that allows them to manage their own information. The portal also provides a single point for celebrants to pay their annual registration charge and meet reporting requirements (annual questionnaire).

3. Maintenance of a case management system to ensure that accurate records are maintained, stored and information is re-used.

1. IT system enhancements.

2. Outcomes of celebrant self-reporting.

5. Regulators are open and transparent in their dealings with regulated entities

  1. Provision of access to a hotline and email service for celebrants to contact the department for clarification and guidance about their role and responsibilities.

  2. Processing of applications from prospective celebrants within legislated timeframes.

3. Provision of information about the performance of the Program in the cost recovery implementation statement (CRIS) and in regular stakeholder meetings and consultations.

  1. Numbers and types of enquiries.

  2. Time taken to process applications for registration as a marriage celebrant.

  3. The CRIS and any updates.


Measures of Good Regulatory Performance

Performance Measures

6. Regulators actively contribute to the continuous improvement of regulatory frameworks

  1. Consideration of input received through consultations with stakeholders on the ongoing management of the Program and possible future reforms or changes to the Program.

  2. Timely provision of documents, agendas and meeting notes to facilitate flow of information and feedback.

3. Consultation with other government agencies.

  1. Key stakeholder engagement activities, including availability of minutes/meeting notes.

  2. Relevant contact with other policy / enforcement agencies.

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