Client services training review delayed 12 months
From: Dorothy Rao
Sent: Friday, 5 July 2013 5:30 PM
Subject: Client Services revised timelines
In response to industry feedback and the National Skills Standards Council extension to transition timelines, the CS&HISC Board have approved the extension for the review of the training package. Attached is a letter from our CEO, Rod Cooke, and a copy of the revised timelines.
This means that the current review of the Client Services group of qualification and units of competency has been postponed by 12 months. The Client Services qualifications have been assigned to review group two, with a proposed endorsement date of December 2015. This is based on the level of consultation that has already been undertaken with the sector as well as the level of change anticipated.
Also, Robyn McEwan is now on maternity leave for 12 months, should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me while Robyn is on leave, my details are below in my signature block.
Our most sincere apologies if this change in timelines has inconvenienced you in any way.
Dorothy Rao | Manager – Training Packages
Community Services & Health Industry Skills Council
Level 13, 1 Castlereagh Street | Sydney NSW 2000
PO Box H61 | Australia Square | NSW 1215
Letter to Project Stakeholders 27 June13
Attachment 1 – Revised Project Timelines