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Vale Tony Gelme Founding CoCA

With sadness the Coalition of Celebrants Association (CoCA) Inc wishes to inform our colleagues in the celebrancy world that  Tony Gelme, one of CoCA’s Founding Members when CoCA formed in 2008, passed away on the 4th June 2014 after a long illness.

Tony was elected CoCA President in 2009, serving CoCA for  two years in this role, and continued to raise concerns about the need for an independent review of the 2002 changes to the Marriage Celebrant Program.

Tony was appointed as a Commonwealth Civil Marriage Celebrant in 1995. Tony was a successful celebrant combining his quick wit, quirky sense of humour and professional attitude with his considerable business expertise to his celebrancy practice. Tony worked as a celebrant trainer and OPD provider in the mid 2000s, served on the Committees of various celebrant associations, the most recent being for the Australian Marriage Celebrants (AMC) Inc. As CoCA delegate for the AMC, Tony continued to offer his advice and support via CoCA’s online forum and the AMC Forum, even though his deteriorating health prevented him from attending face-to-face meetings. With his prime concern being increasing the professionalism of celebrants, Tony was courageous campaigner for civil celebrants rights, facing many tough challenges in his forthright and direct manner.

Tony was highly knowledgeable about the Marriage Act and its application by working celebrants. He shared this knowledge freely via association forums and mentored many celebrants during his celebrancy career.

His family are making arrangements for his funeral, which will be held in Melbourne most probably early next week.

The Coalition of Celebrants Association (CoCA) Inc extends its condolences to Tony’s family and friends.

Tributes for Tony may be placed on a special webpage CoCA has set up here on our website.

Dorothy Harrison
CoCA Chairperson
Coalition of Celebrants Association (CoCA) Inc.

Photo:  CoCA Office Bearers Yvonne Werner ICCA, Tony Gelme AMC and Robyn Caine ACMCNSW&ACT
31st May 2010
