Continuing Professional Development CPD (or OPD)
This article explores: Definition of OPD WHAT IS Ongoing Professional Development? WHAT Ongoing Professional Development IS NOT to be? WHY are only Commonwealth Marriage Celebrants required to do Ongoing Professional Development to maintain their appointments? WHAT is the primary goal of Ongoing Professional Development? WHAT can be the objectives of Ongoing Professional Development? Key aims of Ongoing Professional Development Adult Learning Principles Adult Learning Assumptions More objectives of OPD Types of activities for approval as Ongoing Professional Development - MARA Types of activities for approval as Ongoing Professional Development - SARAH Your views on OPD Top of Page Newer…
PD for Commonwealth-registered marriage celebrants – Paper June 2013 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] UNCLASSIFIED Dear all Ongoing professional development for Commonwealth-registered marriage celebrants This e-mail is being sent on behalf of Peter Arnaudo, Assistant Secretary, Marriage and Intercountry Adoption Branch Thank you to all who attended the OPD meeting in February this year. Your valuable input is greatly appreciated and has assisted us to develop a proposal for the future of OPD. Please find enclosed a paper outlining a proposal for OPD content, design and delivery from 2014. If you have any comments on the proposal, please let us know by 5 July…
Continuing Professional Development CPD (or OPD)In all other professions, professional development is called Continuing Professional Development CPD not Ongoing Professional Development OPD as it is called in the Marriage Act. The profession of Civil Celebrancy requires similar respect, and thus the same terminology as other professions in line with the intent of the 2003 Explanatory Memorandum to increase the professionalism of celebrants - as was the rationale for Cost Recovery.
Posted July 12th, 2013 | CoCA wishes to clarify some mis-information that has been circulating in some associations and to provide news on these to topics.
EXTRACT FROM THE DEPARTMENTS LETTER TO COCA RE: OPD and Celebrant Association Activities I am writing to seek your views on the recognition of association conference attendance for OPD in 2013. I apologise for the delay in writing about our proposed options. Given that this calendar year is quickly coming to an end, I would really appreciate your views by next Tuesday 30 October. We can then put in place the new arrangements and notify celebrants through the December edition of the newsletter. Options for conference attendance – See extract below Coalition of Celebrant Associations CoCA Response letter to the…
TO: Peter Arnaudo Assistant Secretary | Marriage and Intercountry Adoption Branch Access to Justice Division | Attorney General’s Department5th July 2013 RE: CoCA Response to proposal for OPD content, design and delivery from 2014. CoCA Feedback on AGD OPD Proposal. 1. Overall direction of OPD Our Coalition supports the Department’s proposed OPD Objectives Principles for OPD design, development and delivery Adult Learning Principles Approval for Association Conferences / Workshops as OPD option Approval for Celebrant VET Training Units as an OPD option (see recommendations) Other ideas on approaches to OPD beyond 2014 (see recommendations) 2. Compulsory and Elective OPD mix.…
Notes taken at OPD meeting, 20 April 2012 Ann Wilkinson Present AGD Esther Bogaart (Chair), Angela Tsongas, Lisa Hinder OPD Providers Gordon TAFE Sarah Norris, Michael Menton AssentTECS Leslie Mackee, Carol Marcroft Australian Celebrations Training Beth O’Brien, Mark Reid CoCA Ann Wilkinson (Ian Deegan unable to attend) Update on Program Reforms from MLCS Brief summary – there was nothing new Discussion following MLCS Presentation · All providers reported that their enrolments are down significantly. AssentTECS reported that for their work with one major association (I assumed AFCC) last year they conducted 8 sessions, this year have only been contracted…