Coalition of Celebrant Associations

Australia’s Peak Celebrant Body

Memorandum of understanding

Coalition of Celebrant Associations (CoCA) - 16th Otober 2008

Aim: to establish a collective unified representation of marriage celebrants to the Attorney-General and to the Attorney-General’s Department.

Purpose: to promote celebrancy and the advancement of the profession of celebrants.

We the undersigned agree we are parties to the establishment of the Coalition of Celebrant Associations (CoCA).

In doing so, we agree to:

  • represent all celebrants (irrespective of whether they are a member of an association);
  • liaison to consult with and to be consulted by the Attorney-General and the Attorney-General’s Department on matters relating to marriage celebrancy;
  • each member association will have one voting delegate, i.e. one vote per association. A written proxy is required if delegate is not available. Proxy can be assigned to another delegate;
  • each member association have a minimum of 50 members by 1st September 2010. Application for new member associations will only be considered where the association membership is a minimum of 50;
  • CoCA costs to be shared equally by member associations;
  • a start-up fund has been established;
  • founding associations commit to twelve months participation;
  • a two year maximum appointment for executive roles;
  • meet bi-annually with the Attorney-General and the Attorney-General’s Department in Canberra and regular teleconferences as required to discuss more immediate issues with the Department;
  • for decision making, a quorum of 2/3rd plus one is agreed;
  • that portfolio heads are encouraged to co-opt other delegates for assistance in their portfolios;
  • the portfolio roles agreed on today for the next twelve months are:
o      Training/OPD/Continuing Education – Nigel Caswell and Yvonne Werner;

o      Program Review – Tony Gelme; and

o      Other portfolios formed as required.

Associations and their delegates are:

Australian Federation of Civil Celebrants – Barry Sherwell

ACMCV-  Lyn Knorr

AAMCA (now AMC) – Tony Gelme

ACMC NSW & ACT – John O’Carrigan

SE Aus CMC Association – Ian Deegan

ACMCSA – Sybil Sleight

MCA WA – Dorothy Harrison

Humanist Celebrant Network (HCN) – Charles Foley

Association of CMC’s Qld – Delmar Broadbent

Celebrants Australia Incorporated – Robyn Caine (proxy for Judy Brooks)

Civil Celebrants Graduate Association – Nigel Caswell

ICC Alumni and Friends – Yvonne Werner

Professional Celebrants Association – Ashley Bergh
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