4.1 Fit and Proper Persons
The aim of this recommendation is to determine the suitability of the applicant for the profession PRIOR to commencing any course of celebrant training.It is recommended that some parts of the current Fit and Proper Person criteria be applied to those wishing to become civil celebrants.
This would involve gaining information on:- The reasons the applicant wants to be a marriage celebrant,
- What knowledge, skills and personal strengths the applicant would bring to the role,
- Their understanding of the need for a professional attitude to the work, and;
- Their levels of literacy and numeracy.
- Applicants can make an informed decision about this career choice. (Not all Registered Training Organisations (RTO)’s highlight the disadvantages of being a marriage celebrant).
- Applicants are clear about the importance of the role, including ‘Conflict of Interest’ provisions.
- There would be a reduction of the time and money used by MLCS in approving appointees that are likely to be unsuitable, and
- There would be a reduction of the time and money wasted by applicants being trained for a role for which they are unsuitable.
Cost Recovery
It is envisaged that full cost recovery would be obtained from the pre-training and appointment process. The person seeking the training and subsequent appointment would pay a fee for this determination.
4.2 Implement a Suitability Course.
It is recommended that consideration be given to develop and implement a suitability course.
CoCA has commenced discussion with Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) on this concept. It may be smilar to the suitability course provided to other professions such as the police. According to ASQA, some regulated industries, such as Security, require an applicant to pay a fee at application for a criminal check (along with other requirements.)Given that the Certificate IV qualification when taught properly is a big investment in time and money, an applicant who was not suitable would be saved the expense and time of the training. It would also increase the chances that a successfully trained celebrant would then offer a range of ceremonies to support their civil marriage celebrant role.
Cost Recovery
It is envisaged that full cost recovery would be obtained from the applicant at various stages of the pre-training and appointment process. The person seeking the training and subsequent appointment would pay a fee to complete the suitability course.
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