Chairperson Robyn L. Caine Ph: 0412294537
Vice-Chair Ian Deegen
Secretary: Rona Goold P.O. Box 3113 Robertson N.S.W 2577
Phone: 02 48852393
Charging Policy Team
Financial Framework Policy Branch
Department of Finance and Deregulation
John Gorton Building,
King Edward Terrace
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Sir/ Madam
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Cost Recovery Guidelines.
The Coalition of Celebrant Associations (CoCA) is recognised by the Commonwealth Attorney General as the peak body for Commonwealth Marriage Celebrants and is the only national body representing the majority of celebrant associations in Australia.
As arranged with your Department, CoCA appreciated the extension granted to it, to submit its response today 29th August 2012.
CoCA has formulated its response under the following sections:
- Transparency
- Consultation with Stakeholders
- End Users of Government Services/ Products
- Clear Legal Authority for the imposition of charges
- Cost recovery – neither efficient nor effective
- Natural Justice
- Conclusion
Should you require any further information please contact CoCA as above.
Your sincerely
Rona Goold
CoCA Secretary
Wednesday 29th August 2012