Coalition of Celebrant Associations

Australia’s Peak Celebrant Body

2020 Future Skills Survey - Due 13th March 2020

2020 Future Skills Survey - Due 13th March 2020

Thinking about your interactions with SkillsIQ. Are you a member of any Industry Reference Committee (IRC) with SkillsIQ?

Select one answer only

Please answer the following questions about you, your organisation and industry.
Which one of the following best describes you, or the organisation you represent in the VET sector?
  • Select one answer only
  • Student
  • Employee 
  • Employer or enterprise
  • Training / Education provider (e.g. Registered Training Organisation (RTO), school, university etc.)
  • Industry association / Peak body
  • Union
  • Training / Education regulator (e.g. ASQA etc.)
  • Government department / Government agency (e.g. DET, STA)
  • Other (please specify) 

How many members are in the organisation (i.e. industry association, peak body or union) you represent in the VET sector?

Select one answer only

1 - 19
20 - 49
50 - 99
100 - 249
250 - 499
500 - 999
1,000 or more 
*Which one of the following best describes your role in the organisation you represent in the VET sector?

Select one answer only

  • Owner / CEO
  • Upper management
  • Middle management
  • Educator / trainer
  • Industry professional / technical specialist
  • Other (please specify)

Does your organisation operate nationally, meaning in all states and territories?

Select one answer only



Don't know
Thinking now about locations where you have a place of business (such as a store, outlet, office, warehouse etc). Please indicate whether you have a place of business in each of the following capital cities or regional or rural areas in each state / territory?

Select one answer per row
On the grid answer : Yes or No for the following regions

Sydney capital city 
Regional / rural NSW  
Melbourne capital city 
Regional / rural VIC  
Brisbane capital city  
Adelaide capital city 
Regional / rural SA 
Perth capital city  
Regional / rural WA  
Hobart capital city 
Regional / rural TAS  
Canberra city 
Other ACT 
Darwin capital city 
Regional / rural NT 

What is the main industry you represent in the VET sector?

Select one answer only
  • Education or training
  • Complementary health (e.g. Ayurveda, aromatherapy, massage etc.)
  • Health care, social assistance or community services
  • Personal services (e.g. hairdressing, beauty, floristry, funeral etc.)
  • Public administration or safety (e.g. local government or public sector)
  • Retail trade, wholesale trade, or community pharmacy
  • Sports or recreation services
  • Tourism, travel and hospitality (including food services)
  • Other (please specify)

Which one of these is the main industry sub-sector you represent?

Select one answer only

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health
  • Aged Care and Residential Care
  • Alcohol and Other Drugs
  • Allied Health Insurance
  • Ambulance
  • Anaesthetic Technology
  • Audiometry
  • Cardiac Technology
  • Career Development Services
  • Case Management
  • Celebrancy
  • Chaplaincy / Pastoral Care
  • Child Protection Services
  • Clinical Coding
  • Community Service
  • Counselling
  • Dental
  • Disability
  • Employment Services
  • Enrolled Nursing
  • Family and Relationship Services
  • Financial Counselling
  • First Aid
  • Health Administration
  • Health Services Assistance
  • Health Support Services
  • Hospital / Health Services Pharmacy Support
  • Housing / Social Housing
  • Indigenous Environmental / Population Health
  • Leisure and Health
  • Medical Practice Assisting
  • Mental Health
  • Operating Theatre Technical Support
  • Optical Dispensing
  • Paramedic
  • Pathology
  • Practice Management
  • Sterilisation Services
  • Volunteering
  • Youth Justice
  • Youth Services
  • Other (please specify)
Thinking about your organisation in the industry you represent in the VET sector. What are the top three key workforce challenges your organisation has experienced over the last 12 months?

Please list the top three key workforce challenges in the spaces provided.

1   [      ]

2   [      ]
3.  [      ]

In the last 12 months, to what extent has each of the following workforce challenges impacted your organisation, if at all.

Select one answer per row

On the grid answer  No impact, t Low impact, Moderate impact or Significant impact for the following areas
Casualisation of job roles 
Low Language, Literacy and Numeracy skills 
Retention of staff 
Lack of career progression opportunities 
Government policy / legislation changes
Ageing workforce 
New technologies 
Skills shortages in current workforce  
Automation of roles  

If you have any comments on the impact of workforce challenges on your organisation, please write them in the space below.
 [.  ]

Thinking now about recruiting staff. Has your organisation attempted to recruit any staff in the last 12 months?



Don't know
Thinking now about the skills that will be essential for your workforce in the future. What are the top three key skills you think the workforce in your industry or organisation will need to have in the short-to-medium future (i.e. 3 to 5 years)?

Please list the top three key skills in the spaces provided.
1   [      ]
2   [      ]
3.  [      ]

How important will each of the following skills be in the workforce in your industry or organisation in the short-to-medium future?
Select one answer per row
On the grid answer :  Not important, Somewhat important, Very important or Extremely important  for the following regions
Problem solving or critical thinking 
Emotional intelligence 
Online and social media skills  
Creative or innovative thinking
Technical / job-specific skills 
Resilience or stress tolerance 
Capacity to learn 
Ability to search for and analyse information  
Digital skills 
If you have any comments on other skills that will be important in the workforce in your industry or organisation, please write them in the space below.
 [.  ]
*Which of the following are the top three issues you are concerned about in relation to vocational education and training (VET) and the potential impact on your industry?

Please select up to three options

Status of VET
Level of federal government funding
Level of state government funding
Government policy reform
Declining levels of enrolments in VET
Declining levels of enrolments in apprenticeships / traineeships
Employment pathways from VET
Industry engagement
Quality of training
Providing up-to-date technical skills & knowledge
Collaborating with universities
Quality of outcomes from VET in schools
Individuals not in education, employment or training
Don’t know

Other (please specify)
If you have any additional comments on other issues in VET, please write them in the space below.
 [.  ]
Thinking now about the different types of qualifications required for specific job roles at your organisation, including university qualifications or VET qualifications. Are there job roles or positions in your organisation that require an employee to have auniversity qualification, such as an undergraduate degree, masters or PHD?



Don't know

Thinking about VET qualifications for apprenticeships and traineeships. Over the past 12 months have you had any employees who were undertaking an apprenticeship or traineeship as part of their job role at your organisation?



Don't know

Are there job roles or positions in your organisation that require an employee to have a VET qualification, such as a Certificate I, II, III or IV, Diploma, Advanced Diploma or Graduate Certificate, but excluding any apprenticeships or traineeships in progress mentioned earlier?



Don't know

Are there job roles or positions in your organisation that do not require any kind of university qualification or VET qualification?

Yes (job role does not require a university or VET qualification)


Don't know

Apart from roles for apprentices or trainees, are there job roles or positions in your organisation where, when a person is hired, they are required to enrol in a VET qualification, skill set or other type of VET training course?



Don't know

Thinking now about other types of training employees might undertake as part of their employment with you. This may include on-the-job training, training at your place of business or offsite training. In the last 12 months, have any of your employees received…?

Select all that apply

Internal training which is training from other individuals employed at your organisation

Other types of training held by external parties that is paid for by your organisation (paid in-full or in-part), and held at your place of business or offsite


Thinking now specifically about apprenticeships or traineeships. In the last 12 months, has your organisation recruited or attempted to recruit any apprentices or trainees?



Don’t know

SkillsIQ may wish to contact you to better understand some of the feedback you have provided. Do we have your permission to contact you for this reason?


The federal Department of Education, Skills and Employment would like to know the names of the organisations that provided feedback in this survey. Do we have your permission to pass on the name of your organisation to the federal Department of Education, Skills and Employment with the responses you have provided?


Please enter your contact details below if you agreed to allow SkillsIQ to recontact you, or to allow your details to be passed on to the Department of Education, Skills and Employment. (We will take great care to ensure information is only passed on to the Department for those respondents who give permission to do so.)

Job role:
Phone number:
Email address:
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