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Better training for independent celebrants for ALL ceremonies

TOPIC: Better training for independent celebrants for all ceremonies

VET qualifications change all the time to adapt to new environmental and social conditions. Sometimes in response, legislation needs to change if the Regulations related to that sector are not "current industry standards".

An expert group of celebrant practitioners is recommending a Diploma in Celebrancy (an undergraduate VET qualification) in response to the changing needs of society.

The internet savvy younger generation as well as the seniors want less traditional yet meaningful ceremonies and rites of passage - life celebrations, funerals, memorials and more.

Our concerns

Currently Marriage Regulations require a Certificate IV in Celebrancy for Commonwealth Marriage Celebrants.

The Attorney-General’s Department (AGD) appears reluctant to change the Marriage Regulations to adopt a Diploma of Celebrancy as the industry standard for independent celebrants. 

If the Regulations do not change, our industry cannot determine its own future and ensure prospective celebrants are well trained for changing community needs which is the goal of VET reviews.

We need your help:

MPs and Senators can ensure the Marriage Regulations
  • support an undergraduate Diploma in Celebrancy
  • require a portion of this Diploma (at least equivalent of the current Certificate IV in Celebrancy)

    as the industry standard for authorisation as a Commonwealth Marriage Celebrant

    This is common practice for Regulators responsible for only a part of the worker's job role for many VET Training qualifications, and was used in 2002 when the AGD chose only a portion of a VET qualification for authorisation as a Commonwealth Marriage Celebrant.


If the Department does not wish to support higher qualifications to ensure better trained celebrants, the AGD can select a portion of this qualification for authorising new Marriage Celebrants.

The Marriage Act takes this position on the regulation of the Recognised Religious Celebrants and State Officers, making no statement as to the broader training needs of these celebrants, as marriage is only one aspect of their role in the community. Many Commonwealth celebrants also have a broader professional role than marriage.

More about Vocational Education Training (VET)

More about Marriage Related Issues

March 2015